Down’s Syndrome – What to do and what to avoid

Down Syndrome – What to do and what to avoid

Quick guide for teachers



In the style of a Teacher Training notebook, this is a quick guide for lower secondary school teachers who have pupils with ADHD, which can help them learn more about the disorder and apply simple but effective strategies to deal with it and manage it in the best possible way.

Find out more!


Down Syndrome – What to do and what to avoid contains “ready to use” focused instructions to successfully deal with the 12 most frequent problem behaviours that school-aged Down Syndrome pupils (6-10 years old) typically have. 

The book is divided into 12 chapters, grouped into 3 macro-sections: adaptive and social skills, communication and learning.

  1. Adaptive and social skills
  • He/she imitates others’ behaviours
  • He/she seeks adult assistance
  • He/she struggles to manage frustration
  • He/she has difficulty taking turns
  1. Communication
  • He/she disturbs peers and activities
  • Her/his speech is difficult to understand
  • He/she is repetitive or irrelevant in conversations
  • He/she resists requests
  1. Learning
  • He/she throws or breaks materials
  • He/she struggles with reading automatization
  • He/she makes calculation mistakes
  • He/she does not keep up with the pace of the class

What to do and what to avoid

The reason for each behaviour is initially explained in a few brief sentences (Why does he/she do this?), followed by simple and clear indications for the teacher on the attitudes to be adopted and avoided (What to do, What NOT to do).  A discussion on the topic follows (What to keep in mind) and tools and strategies are provided in How to intervene about some crucial educational and didactic aspects. A final Don’t forget That… paragraph is devoted to important and focused suggestions for the teacher to keep in mind.

Each chapter contains:

At the beginning of each chapter, an illustration introduces the analysed behaviour.

Explanations of the problem behaviour being consideredWhy does he/she do this?

Brief and simple indications that can be useful to the teacher as a reference point for quickly deciding What to do and reflect on What to avoid.

more in-depth description of the specific problem behaviourbeing worked on: Analysis of the problem behaviour.

The tools and educational strategies to create the intervention: How to intervene.

Each chapter closes with advice and strategies to further understand and enrich the teacher’s “briefcase of educational tools”.

Leaf through some pages, which have been translated into English to facilitate your evaluation:


Monica Induni Pianezzi, Director and co-founder of the association “Avventuno,” an organisation dedicated to supporting and guiding individuals with Down syndrome, their families, and the professionals involved in their life journeys. She teaches advanced courses in the field of intellectual disability and collaborates in teacher training at the Department of Education and Learning of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI).

Angelica Jaeggli, trained in teaching with specialisation in inclusive education and Down syndrome. At the association “Avventuno,” she serves as Head of Education and Inclusion, overseeing the pedagogical guidance of individuals with Down syndrome. She provides consultancy services to professionals and families on the specific learning characteristics associated with Trisomy 21.


Discover all the volumes of the series
What to do and what to avoid