FB – Feel Better. A group course for psychological support for newly diagnosed people
Product: Book
Trim size in cm: 17x24cm
Pages: 304
ISBN: 9788859025825
Publication date: 01/11/2021
Rights sold to:
English worldwide
The book offers a detailed description of the research and psychological intervention project of the FB group – Feel Better, which started in 2009 and was carried out thanks to the collaboration between the Regional Reference Center for Multiple Sclerosis, AOU S. Luigi Gonzaga of Orbassano, Turin, the Cosso Foundation , S. Secondo di Pinerolo, Turin, and, since 2011, the Department of Psychology of the University of Turin. The research illustrates the theoretical foundations and the activities envisaged for psychological support for people who have recently received the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, and, in particular, explores the numerous aspects involved in the process of adaptation to the disease: the redefinition of one’s identity; the search for new goals capable of giving meaning to life; coping effectively with symptoms; managing emotions and stress, communication skills.
The materials
The volume provides the minutes of the meetings and the materials used (questionnaires, dispensary tools, observation grids), along with insights and suggestions for those who want to propose the intervention in their care settings.
Chapter 1 - The history of the project and its characteristics (Silvia Bonino)
Chapter 2 - Theoretical foundations (Emanuela Calandri, Martina Borghi and Federica Graziano)
Chapter 3 - The intervention step by step (Martina Borghi)
Chapter 4 - Between theory and intervention: the contribution of research (Federica Graziano and Emanuela Calandri)
Chapter 5 - Multiple sclerosis and the relationship between parents and children (Federica Graziano, Emanuela Calandri and Martina Borghi)
1. Project FB – Feel Better: The introduction pamphlet
2. Project FB – Feel Better: Materials and “homework”
3. The participants’ words
4. Observation grid for group meetings
5. Me and my life (Questionnaire)
6. My point of view (Questionnaire)
7. Abstract of published articles