Let’s learn to brush our teeth with Giulia

Social stories with AAC

Elisa Cancellieri, Agnese Raspa

Product: Book

Trim size in cm: 22x22cm

Pages: 44

ISBN: 978-88-590-3652-4

Publication date: 01/03/2024


Let’s learn to brush our teeth with Giulia is a social story written with Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) symbols which tells – through lively illustrations and words represented with graphic symbols – how to brush your teeth correctly through the engaging story of Giulia, a little girl who is always looking for an excuse not to brush her teeth. All it takes is strawberry toothpaste, a yellow toothbrush, and a song to make her want to brush them again.

This illustrated, colourful and fun book is aimed not only at those who have complex communication needs, but also at those who are taking their first steps in reading. In fact, AAC supports the linguistic and communicative understanding of children through the use of graphic symbols that facilitate access to narration and understanding of the text.

Social stories with AAC

Inclusive, colourful, educational and fun, the Social Stories illustrated with AAC are written in the symbols of Augmentative Alternative Communication and offer all children the opportunity to understand and communicate in social situations. From personal autonomy to the management of emotions, from interactions with others to creative expression, they describe the large and small adventures of everyday life. Social stories can be integrated into various contexts – at home, at school, with family members or with other children -, they are also useful tools in rehabilitation centers because they help to promote communication and social integration of anyone who needs it.


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