I Teach You as I Have Learned

Suggestions and didactic strategies from a teacher with SLD for students with SLD

Filippo Barbera

Product: Book

Trim size in cm: 17x24cm

Pages: 208

ISBN: 978-88-590-2329-6

Publication date: 01/09/2020

Suitable for: Primary 1st level (ages 6-7), Primary 2nd level (ages 8-10)


I Teach You as I Have Learned was born from the direct experience of Filippo Barbera, a dyslexic primary school teacher, who has raised awareness and offered training about SLD in Italian schools, and aims to improve the understanding of the mind, functioning processes and learning methods of children and adolescents with dyslexia.

The author proposes an innovative approach, a flexible study method, to teach students to learn to learn, involving them in the search for the most appropriate strategies for their own operating profile.

Filippo Barbera’s «Supertricks»

«Supertricks» are teachings concentrated in a brief phrase which helps with reflection and action.  Everyone can find a different interpretation in them according to context and who is applying them.

  1. Supertrick basics (or «beliefs»): work hard, improve, excel. Training is everything.
  2. Supertrick for perception: a problem isn’t a problem. The problem is if it becomes a problem!
  3. Supertrick for evaluation: failure is feedback and it is part of development.
  4. Supertrick for action: when it is time to run, slow down.
  5. Supertrick for being stuck: when you are stuck, take a step back to take one forward.
  6. Supertrick for a goal: set a limit and try to surpass it.
  7. Supertrick for order: if the order isn’t working, change it.
  8. Supertrick for simplification: when there are two, make it one.
  9. Supertrick for synthesis: conciseness and simplicity.

Suggested for
This guide is aimed at curriculum and assistant teachers of the fourth and fifth grades of primary school.

CAP. 1 - Ways of learning in people with SLD
CAP. 2 - Learning strategies
CAP. 3 - It is difficult to...

  • Distinguish left from right

  • Remember the days of the week, months, and seasons

  • Read a clock

  • Read

  • Write by hand

  • Identify some letters

  • Respect spelling and grammar rules

  • Distinguish capital letters

  • Learn the vocabulary in English

  • Distinguish even and odd numbers

  • Distinguish greater and lesser

  • Memorize number bonds to 10

  • Memorize the times tables

  • Apply procedures – Multiplication

  • Apply procedures – Division

  • Carry out equivalences

  • Learn math-specific vocabulary

CAP. 4 - Workshop on learning potential

  • Step 1 - The Way

  • Step 2 - No excuses!

  • Step 3 - Know yourself

  • Step 4 - Steel trap memory

  • Step 5 - The strategy gym

  • Step 6 - Planning and organization


Suggestions and didactic strategies from a teacher with SLD for students with SLD


Aimed at curricular and support teachers in the fourth and fifth grade of primary school, this volume "aims to make you actively enter the mind of a pupil with SLD, to make you better understand its functioning characteristics and to make you learn and develop practical and useful strategies to overcome the various obstacles in the path that accompanies learning ... "

Filippo Barbera, before being a primary teacher and the author of this book, was a student with dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysorthography and dyscalculia. Secondary school, university, masters and work required commitment, motivation, desire, and also tricks and strategies that the author explains in this volume, helping teachers to understand and concretely support their pupils with SLD.

Find out more!


1st CHAPTER: through maps, diagrams, examples and illustrations, the functioning of an SLD person’s mind is described, and how the process of writing, calculating and learning work, with the aim of providing teachers with a map that allows them to orientate didactic action;

2nd CHAPTER: the author explains the "Way Model", an approach to learning conceived by the author and divided into 4 phases (Analysis, Preparation, Exercise and Verification), which can be customized with the most appropriate strategies for each way of learning, and accompanied by the description of different memorization techniques;

3rd CHAPTERI find it hard to…: is the section that the author created to help teachers "see" things from the point of view of pupils with SLD; various difficulties (such as reading the clock, distinguishing some letters, memorizing the multiplication tables) are described first from a technical point of view and then from his point of view as an SLD student, giving teachers tips and tricks on how to override that specific obstacle.

Each example provides:

  • the box I learned it like this
  • 1 of 9 Supertricks, 9 teachings identified by the author to help pupils reflect and act
  • one or more strategies suggested by the author

4th CHAPTER: the author proposes a special workshop divided into 6 stages and dedicated to the learning potential, in which techniques and strategies are explored and tested which must then be used by the pupil on a daily basis, at school and at home.

Leaf through some pages of the book which have been translated into English to facilitate your evaluation of the product:


Filippo Barbera Graduated in Primary Education and Psychology, he is a primary school teacher specializing in Learning Psychopathology and the Montessori Method; he is a trainer for teachers of all levels, and carries out awareness activities on Specific Learning Disorders.