Class management

Self-representation, self-control, communication and planning

Product: Book

Trim size in cm: 17x24

Pages: 280

ISBN: 978-88-6137-781-3

Publication date: 01/03/2011


There is much talk about education, but little about the art of teaching. How do we manage a class? The question is complex at a time in which the school system, the students, and the learning needs are changing.

Staging a dialogue between three teachers with different personalities and points of view, the book analyzes the issues that most concern teachers and offers a set of worksheets promoting self-assessment and reflection that help improve teaching efficacy and the relationship with students and colleagues, increase communication inside and outside the school, and develop self-control and planning skills.

In particular, the book addresses the role and the social responsibility of teachers, their problems with stress, self-esteem and authority, class dynamics and class management, lesson planning, the different teaching styles, grading and assessment and the relationship with colleagues and parents.

The dialogue between three fictional teachers—a young substitute, a progressive teacher and a philosophy teacher who has lost all enthusiasm—brings out three different perspectives that are analyzed with the help of worksheets and addressed by indicating various possible strategies of intervention.


Premise - Professional self-representation. Where the role and social responsibility of teachers is discussed  - Self-control. Where solutions to stress and self-esteem are sought - Communication. Where the teacher's authority and how to go about obtaining it is considered - Planning. Where planning and different ways of holding a lesson are discussed - Management. Where class dynamics and strategies for managing them are analysed- The subject. Where knowledge, abilities and competences are discussed - Evaluation. Where different ways of evaluating are compared. Relationships Where the relationships which create the teacher's role are discussed