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Highlights of the month

ADHD: What to do and what to avoid

Donatella Arcangeli

Teacher Training aims to make teachers understand the cognitive function of children and young ...

Product : Book

Mindfulness for ADHD and neuro-development disorders

Deny Menghini, Cristiano Crescentini

This book has the primary purpose of describing in detail a training based on Mindfulness-oriented ...

Product : Teaching tools

Training attention in pre-school age

Maria Cristina Cutrone, Monica Muratori

Possessing both good auditory and visual attention skills, together with a certain cognitive ...

Product : Book

Quick Fingers

Gianluca Daffi

Pay attention and concentrate. ...

Product : Teaching tools

Guides and tools for promoting inclusive didactics and valorising pupils' differing competences.
From the analogical method, to games, intelligent devices and tools for dealing with dyscalculia.
Fun, colourful, innovative proposals for carrying out holiday homework effortlessly.
Tools and games for encouraging emotional awareness and management in children and adults.
Guides and practical tools for dealing with dyslexia, dysorthographia and dyscalculia.
Tools for dealing with motor and intellectual disabilities at school, in the family and in society in general.
Proposals for developing mental skills connected to learning and meta-cognitive processes.
Tools for improving concentration skills and for helping children/adolescents with ADHD.
Books and tools for helping children in the growing-up process and for reflecting on the parents' role.
Self-help manuals and guides for dealing with the most frequent psychological problems.
Tools and test batteries for evaluating various cognitive, linguistic and neuropsychological aspects.