Exercise Workbook for Overcoming Social Anxiety

The Exercise Workbook for Overcoming Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is a disabling disorder that generates suffering and causes significant limitations in everyday life. It is a frequently underestimated disorder that is interpreted as shyness. Furthermore, those who suffer from it often have difficulty asking for help from a professional, precisely because they are afraid of being judged. Therefore they refuse to seek any type of support.


Exercise Workbook for Overcoming Social Anxiety offers a 10 step self-help programme for people who suffer from social anxiety, complete with exercises, questionnaires and activities to learn how to manage anxiety, live in a calm and balanced way and overcome the fear of being judged by others.

Find out more!


The first part of the book presents the necessary information on social anxiety: what it is, the causes, and effective therapies to overcome it.

In the second section, an intervention programme is developed, divided into 16 steps and full of effective advice and numerous exercises:


  1. Measuring social anxiety;
  2. Relaxing your mind and body;
  3. Comparing expectations and reality;
  4. Observing thoughts and emotions;
  5. Questioning your thoughts;
  6. Questioning your beliefs;
  7. Limiting inferences and assumptions;
  8. Confronting your fears;
  9. Learning to be assertive;
  10. Preventing relapses.

Leaf through some pages of the book which have been translated into English to facilitate your evaluation of the product.


Self-help exercise books is a new series of exercise workbooks designed to address personal psychological disorders through specific and structured exercises that allow you to independently implement strategies and techniques used in cognitive-behavioral therapy. The workbooks can be used by those who do not want to, or cannot, face a therapeutic program, but also by clinicians to provide exercises for their patients.

Each notebook of the series introduces the topic and explains the symptoms from a psychological point of view and suggests a programme of exercises and questionnaires to allow for self-intervention.

The other workbooks in the series:


Duccio Baroni, is a psychologist and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist, PhD in Clinical Sciences. He is a professor at the Four-Year School of Psychotherapy of the Institute of Behavioral and Cognitive Psychology and Psychotherapy (IPSICO) in Florence.

Laura Caccico, is a psychologist and psychotherapist, she carries out clinical activities in her professional offices in Pisa and Forte dei Marmi. She collaborates with the IPSICO Institute in Florence where she conducts research and tutoring activities.

Serena Ciandri, is a psychologist and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist, she deals with disorders in the sphere of social anxiety both on a clinical level and in the field of scientific research.

Cristian Di Gesto, is a clinical and health psychologist, he deals with evening disorders of social anxiety and body image both on a clinical level and in the field of scientific research, with particular attention to the compassion approach.

Laura Di Leonardo, is a  psychologist and specialist in cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, is a member of the Center of Excellence for Social Anxiety Disorders (CEDAS) in Florence.

Alice Fiesoli, is a psychologist and psychotherapist, dealing with social anxiety disorders both on a clinical level and in the field of scientific research.

Francesco Lauretta, is a psychologist and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist, and professional member of the Italian Association of Social Anxiety Disorders (AIDAS) and of the Center of Excellence for Social Anxiety Disorders (CEDAS) at IPSICO Florence, where he carries out his clinical activity.

Antonella Lebruto, is a clinical and health psychologist, dealing with social anxiety, emotional addiction and obsessive-compulsive disorder both on a clinical level and in the field of scientific research.

Giulia Rosa Policardo, is a clinical and health psychologist specializing in Psychotherapy at the Institute of Behavioral and Cognitive Psychology and Psychotherapy of Florence (IPSICO).

Martina Rosadoni, is a psychologist and psychotherapist, dealing with social anxiety disorders and the promotion of personal resources and psychological well-being in line with the theoretical and applied principles of positive psychology.