Teaching history to students with SLD

Inclusive strategies for lower secondary school

Italian Association for Dyslexia

Product: Book

Trim size in cm: 21x29,7cm

Pages: 136

ISBN: 978-88-590-2326-5

Publication date: 01/01/2021

Suitable for: Lower secondary 1st level (ages 10-11), Lower secondary 2nd level (ages 12-13)


Teaching history to students with SLD presents readers with significant educational proposals for the study of history, capable of really facilitating learning and making study motivating and enjoyable.

Referring to the fundamental principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), the book promotes flexible and accessible teaching to all students, and proposes ten strategies to be put into practice with the class, or the individual student, to reorganize teaching with an inclusive perspective.

The strategies fall into three typologies:

  • integration of a whole class lessons and small group work, or pair work;
  • use of the PC and other devices with the whole class and in individual or group work;
  • the integration of studying from manuals and field study with a visit to historic and artistic buildings and places in the area.

 The series
Teaching history to students with SLD is the first practical volume in a series edited by AID (Italian Association for Dyslexia), divided into several operational books for various disciplines and different school levels. Each volume is made up of two parts: one theoretical-methodological and one operational.