Reading, comprehension, writing and calculations tests

Cesare Cornoldi, Lorena Montesano, Antonella Valenti

Product: Book

Trim size in cm: 21x29,7cm

Pages: 184

ISBN: 978-88-590-2050-9

Publication date: 01/01/2020


LSC-SUA is a battery of tests for the evaluation of SLD and other difficulties in university students and adults. It is a resource that responds to operators’ growing need to fully evaluate adult learning.

The tests analyse the barriers and facilitators that can hinder / encourage the educational success of students with SLD.

The tests are divided into 4 areas:

  • Reading: reading passages, reading words and non-words, lexical decision in articulatory suppression.
  • Comprehension of text: passage A and passage B.
  • Writing: dictation of words under normal conditions and conditions of articulatory suppression; dictation of a passage; writing numbers in letters under normal conditions and conditions of articulatory suppression.
  • Calculations: dictation of numbers, reading numbers, mental calculations, arithmetic facts, approximate calculations and transcription in digits of numbers.

References for regulatory data, psychometric properties, methods of administration, calculation and how to read the results for each of the 17 tests are also provided. The compilation is completed by a self-perception questionnaire about the students’ difficulties.


CH. 1 - Specific learning disabilities in young adults

CH. 2 - University didactics and SLD students: barriers and facilitators

CH. 3 - New LSC-SUA compilation for university students and adults

CH. 4 - Standardization of the LSC-SUA compilation: the inter-university project

CH. 5 - Example of LSC-SUA test administration: a case study

CH. 6 - The experiences of Italian universities involved in SLD research

  • The contribution of the University of Salerno to the calibration of the "New tests for university students and LSC-SUA adults" and the analysis of the performance of students with "suspected SLD’s" from the University of Salerno

  • SLD in university students: between diagnosis, subjective perception and psychometric measurement

  • Reading and writing words and numbers in university students with SLD compared to typical development

  • First data concerning the performance in the LSC-SUA tests of non-university adults between 18 and 66 years of age

  • A program on the study methods of university students with SLD: the experience of the University of Calabria

  • Writing errors in university students with writing difficulties with and without a diagnosis of Specific Learning Disorder

  • Analysis of the mistakes made by university students in writing complex numbers


APPENDIX A - Synthetic regulatory data
APPENDIX B - Correlation between the various battery of tests
APPENDIX C - Non-university adult regulatory data broken down by age group