Children, adolescents and Covid-19

The emotional, psychological and scholastic impact of the Pandemic

Stefano Vicari, Silvia Di Vara

Product: Book

Trim size in cm: 17x24cm

Pages: 112

ISBN: 978-88-590-2512-2

Publication date: 01/01/2021


This volume offers analyses and reflections on the impact that Covid-19 has had on the lives of children and adolescents from an emotional, psychological and scholastic point of view. The authors also present viable strategies to safeguard their emotional, family and relational well-being, and to continue to guarantee them a quality education and training program.

Recent data show how isolation during the pandemic favored the onset of behavioral problems and a worsening of pre-existing conditions in 65% of children under the age of 6 and in 71% of those between the ages of 6 and 18, with increased irritability, sleep disorders and anxiety. Underestimating the impact of Covid-19 among the youngest members of the population risks transforming a health emergency, such as the one we are experiencing, into a crisis of the rights of children and young people.

Introduction (Stefano Vicari and Silvia Di Vara)

Chapter 1
The year of the bat (Vittorio Lingiardi)

Chapter 2
Children, learning and emotions (Nicoletta Perini and Daniela Lucangeli)

Chapter 3
Children and school (Giacomo Stella)

Chapter 4
Not one less: children and adolescents with special educational needs and the test of COVID-19 (Dario Ianes e Rosa Bellacicco)

Chapter 5
Children 0-6 years old in the time of COVID-19 told by parents, educators and teachers (Alessandra Sansavini, Elena Trombini, Giulia Baratella, Laura Fabbri, Luana Fusaro,
Laura Menabò, Sandra Maria Elena Nicoletti, Mariagrazia Zuccarini e Annalisa Guarini)