FE-PS 2-6

Battery for evaluating executive functions in pre-school age

Product: Book

Trim size in cm: 21x29,7

Pages: Pages: 90 + software + little boxes + cards + puppet

ISBN: 978-88-590-1310-5

Publication date: 01/03/2017

Suitable for: Pre-nursery (ages 0-3), Nursery 1st Level (ages 3-4), Nursery 2nd Level (ages 4-5)


The FE-PS 2-6 BATTERY offers 10 tests for pre-school age (2-6 years) aimed at evaluating executive functions (EF), in other words the set of relatively independent abilities needed for cognitive and behavioural self-regulation, an ability which allows you to coordinate and modulate cognitive and emotional processes and behavioural responses, and which undergoes a marked development precisely during pre-school age.   Specifically, the FE-PS 2-6 battery divides its analysis into 3 main areas:
1. inhibitory processes (response inhibition and interference management);
2. delayed gratification;
3. more complex and interdependent abilities, inhibition, working memory and emergent flexibility.
Designed for clinical and research fields, the tests are based on the most consolidated experimental paradigms on developing EF on samples of children with typical and atypical development, for which the evolution of certain executive abilities may prove deficient (for example, children with specific language disorders or with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).   The 10 tests are given independently from one another, they can be chosen according to age and specific problems and used to build a personalised assessment of the executive functions of a child.

- a manual
record sheets
2 puppets to be used in the tests
3 little boxes to be used in the tests

- a manual
record sheets
2 puppets to be used in the tests
3 little boxes to be used in the tests