We are Special

Stories to help children understand diversity

Product: Book

Trim size in cm: 14x22

Pages: 128 with illustrations

ISBN: 978-88-6137-432-4

Publication date: 01/05/2009


We are Special is a collection of stories introducing children to the idea of diversity, disability and illness. These stories help adults explain children why their little brother or friend look different, behaves in a strange way, doesn’t eat the same things as the others, and sometimes falls ill.
The stories don’t provide medical information on the different conditions, but suggest simple and direct ways to respond to children’s questions about conditions such as epilepsy, Down’s syndrome, hyperactivity, stuttering, and enuresis.
The stories can be read in moments of  great intimacy, like at bedtime, but also in class or in a workgroup. In this case, after reading children can be encouraged to express their own feelings and experiences in drawing, in a sentence or even inventing another story.

- The little rabbit Tito and the jumping words
For helping children understand stuttering
- When darkness meets light
For helping children understand blindness
- Philip and the little men of emotions
For helping children recognise emotions
- Dadà the snail and the blades of grass
For helping children understand coeliac disease
- Tartagiù
For helping children understand Down's syndrome
- The sugar factory
For helping children understand diabetes
- A little mouse with six legs
For helping children understand physical disability
- The alphabet family
For helping children understand hyperactivity
- Sauron and the tremors
For helping children understand epilepsy
- Clementine's secret
For helping children understand wetting