Teaching geometry to students with SLD

Inclusive strategies for lower secondary school

A.I.D. Associazione Italiana Dislessia

Product: Book

Trim size in cm: 21x29,7cm

Pages: 112

ISBN: 9788859025733

Publication date: 01/11/2021

Suitable for: Lower secondary 1st level (ages 10-11), Lower secondary 2nd level (ages 12-13)


Difficulties in learning geometry are present at every school level, but they represent an especially problematic area in lower secondary school. Some difficulties are common to all students, other difficulties concern students with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) in particular. Teaching geometry to students with SLD, created by experts from the Italian Dyslexia Association, provides clear indications for understanding the general and specific difficulties in the study of geometry, promoting a teaching method that is flexible and accessible to all students.

The volume is divided into two parts.  The first, consisting of a theoretical-methodological framework, focuses on the difficulties that a student with SLD may encounter in the study of geometry.  Instead, the second one presents seven functional strategies for the elaboration of inclusive teaching referring to the fundamental principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).  From the analysis of the structure of the textbook, passing through the construction of anticipators, up to using storytelling to foster an empathic approach to the subject, each strategy is associated with proposals for activities and photocopiable materials to be provided to students.

Recommended for
Although addressed mainly to lower secondary school teachers, the text also offers ideas of undoubted interest for primary and upper secondary school teachers, in light of the bridge role that lower secondary school plays in the construction of mathematical thought.

The series
“Teaching students with SLD” is a series edited by AID which is divided into several workbooks for various disciplines and for different school levels. Each volume is made up of two parts: theoretical-methodological and operational.

Part 1 – What you need to know: Theoretical-methodological framework
Ch. 1 The teaching of geometry: discipline and skills
Ch. 2 Learning geometry and students with SLD
Ch. 3 For an inclusive and effective teaching of geometry

Part 2 - What to do: Active strategies
Introduction to strategies
Orient yourself in the textbook
Using anticipators
Making a formula sheet
Develop metacognition
Discover geometry in reality
Constructing meanings in the geometry workshop
Telling geometry (to encourage an empathic approach to the subject)