Geoforce special agents – Danger in the volcano

Giuditta Gottardi, Ginevra G. Gottardi

Product: Book

Trim size in cm: 21x29,7cm

Pages: 24

ISBN: 978-88-590-2130-8

Publication date: 01/05/2020

Suitable for: Primary 2nd level (ages 8-10)


The Geoforce Special Agents are ready for a new adventure: they have to help the Etna Operational Center. Two researchers ventured out on the volcano and got lost. As they prepare to face this new venture, children will be able to learn all about volcanoes and create a fantastic lapbook.
The story and activities are enriched with detailed scientific explanations that make this workbook an ideal learning tool.  

What are lapbooks?
Lapbooks are useful learning tools, which students can consult to review and consolidate learning.  They can be enriched as learning proceeds and customized as you see fit.
The process of creating a lapbook brings the student to the center of their learning.  Through the construction of cardboard folders of different sizes and formats, minibooks (which are used to contain all the elements topic: drawings, photographs, short descriptions, etc.) and other information written on the templates, pupils can create a personalized study method to understand the concepts being taught.

The volume offers:

  • a 10-chapter story with activities, curiosities, and instructions

  • 10 pages to cut out and put together to create the lapbook

  • 2 card lapbook bases

  • 1 sheet of stickers

Geoforce Special Agents

Create and learn with lapbooks

Geoforce special agents” is a series through which primary school children can easily create fun and colourful lapbooks, that are creative folders in which information on a topic can be collected.

To do this, children will have to complete a special mission (like: finding a treasure in ancient Egypt, scaring a ghost away from an ancient castle, helping Etna’s operations centre). Only at the end of the mission will the children have created their own lapbook (about Egypt, medieval castles,volcanos...).


Centre page with stickers to be used for decorating the lapbook and completing some activities from the book

2 coloured pieces of card to be used as the base of the lapbook

A story about the adventures of the Geoforce special agents with games and instructions for creating the lapbook

A double page with extra materials for enriching the contents of the lapbook

A pocket at the back of the book where the pages and cuttings can be stored during the construction phase of the lapbook

At the end of the adventure, the lapbook will look like this!


Giuditta Gottardi Primary school teacher, together with Ginevra Gottardi, she created the Interactive Manual Workshops site, a digital platform for meeting and discussing active teaching for thousands of teachers.

Ginevra Gottardi An expert in historical and artistic activities, together with Giuditta Gottardi, she founded the Training Center for Interactive Manual Workshops, a workshop where creativity and education meet.