English is fun! Volume 2

Worksheets and activities for learning the English language

Cesare Cornoldi, Marta Botto, Paola Palladino

Product: Book

Trim size in cm: 21x29,7cm

Pages: 248

ISBN: 978-88-590-1915-2

Publication date: 01/09/2019

Suitable for: Primary 2nd level (ages 8-10), Lower secondary 1st level (ages 10-11)


Learning a new language is a process that involves several different factors: the linguistic context in which learning takes place, the distance (in terms of similarities and differences) between the foreign language and the mother tongue, the characteristics of the student who is learning. For students with SLD, the acquisition of a second language is even more complex and there are severe difficulties in learning English, often in connection with difficulties in learning the Italian language.

Based on these findings, English is fun! – Vol. 2 was created.  It proposes a useful intervention programme for all students, aimed in particular at supporting and developing emotional-relational aspects to be used as a lever for learning in pupils with learning difficulties.

The book is organized into 6 areas regarding the cognitive and metacognitive processes of learning a second language:

  • Metacognition and motivation (Area M)
  • Phonological awareness (Area CF)
  • Reading and Writing (Area L)
  • Learning Vocabulary (Area V)
  • Learning Grammar (Area G)
  • Comprehension and production (Area CP).

Aimed at pupils in the last two years of primary school and pupils in middle school, this book is a valid teaching support tool, providing language teachers with useful operational ideas to put the most effective learning strategies into practice.

CH. 1 - Learning a new language
CH. 2 - The difficulties with learning a foreign language
CH. 3 - The English is fun! programme

AREA M Initial activities: Metacognition and Motivation
AREA CF Phonological awareness
AREA L Reading and writing
AREA V Mnemonic strategies for learning vocabulary
AREA G Learning about grammar with cooperative learning
AREA CP Concluding activities: Comprehension and production