Self-determination in people with disabilities

Educational programmes for developing it

Product: Book

Trim size in cm: 17x24

Pages: 150

ISBN: 978-88-590-1068-5

Publication date: 01/03/2016


Self-determination is an important construct for the quality of life of people with disabilities and autism, as they often have severe difficulties due to their cognitive deficits. Making choices, however, requires awareness of the existence of alternatives and the possibility to make judgements based on each option.
The book, which is the first of its kind in Italy, contains an educational curriculum for helping people with severe intellectual disabilities and autism to develop these skills. It also includes an assessment scale and ideas which can be developed in various every-day life situations.

Self-determination and disability: an overview
Self-determination, quality of life and the capability approach
Self-determination, intellectual disability and autism

Assessing self-determination
Assessing self-determination in people with intellectual disabilities and autism: the ADIA scale
The ADIA scale in practice: psychometric properties and initial research

Working towards self-determination: an educational programme for people with severe intellectual disabilities and autism
«Listening». Investigating personal interests and motivation
«Choices». Teaching how to make choices and express them
«Vision». Defining objectives and trying to reach them
«Decisions». Developing types of divergent and conditional thinking
«Self-regulation». Guiding and evaluating your own learning
«Opportunities and support». Organising your environment properly and help