10 things that every person with Down’s Syndrome wants you to know

Anna Contardi

Product: Book

Trim size in cm: 14x22cm

Pages: 148

ISBN: 978-88-590-1923-7

Publication date: 01/09/2019


In the last 40 years, many things have improved for people with Down Syndrome, from the expectation and quality of life to entering into the working world, to having greater knowledge and awareness from the society as a whole.

This revolution was made possible by families, associations, workers, and the fundamental choice of inclusion.

Written by the national coordinator of the Italian Association for people with Down Syndrome, the book contains clear and valuable information, but also many interesting testimonies, summarized in “10 thingsto know about Down Syndrome:

  1. Down doesn’t mean down
  2. People first
  3. We are not all the same, and we resemble our parents
  4. We are slower, but we can learn
  5. We laugh, we cry, we get happy, and we get angry
  6. It is possible to become autonomous
  7. We grow up too
  8. We fall in love too
  9. We know we have Down syndrome
  10. We want to live on our own

The aim of the book is to eliminate prejudices and offer the world’s perspective from the point of view of people with Down Syndrome.

Presentation (A. Canevaro)

First chapter - Down doesn’t mean down
Second chapter - People first
Third chapter - We are not all the same, and we resemble our parents
Fourth chapter - We are slower, but we can learn
Fifth chapter - We laugh, we cry, we get happy, and we get angry
Sixth chapter - It is possible to become autonomous
Seventh chapter - We grow up too
Eighth chapter - We fall in love too
Ninth chapter - We know we have Down Syndrome
Tenth chapter - We want to live on our own

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