They say I have Asperger’s

Product: Book

Trim size in cm: 14x22

Pages: 120

ISBN: 978-88-6137-414-0

Publication date: 01/03/2009


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Bizarre? Awkward? Naïve? Selfish? Disrespectful of social rules, so much as to be considered spoilt and ill-mannered? Instead, they are people with Asperger’s syndrome. We still know little about it; in fact the boundaries between Asperger’s and high-functioning Autism are still blurred. Cases where the disorder is hazy however are not rare, those who are not experts can be fooled, convincing themselves that it is the anxious mother or the incompetent teacher who is «disturbed».

This book uses simple language with a solid scientific background. Free from jargon, it avoids the «long words» doctors use and starts with a story. In this way it gives readers the chance to wonder: how similar to my child is he?


The series I FEEL DIFFERENTLY is supervised by Paolo Cornaglia Ferraris

A series which explores the originality of the «Asperger» mind, a unique universe of artistic, literary, poetic, mnemonic, mathematical and relational expressions. The books in the series tackle some of the difficult issues related to this characteristic, using words which everyone can understand whilst not forgoing scientific rationale.

- My history – Another doctor – I don’t like noise - Weird things happen to me with others – Social annoyances – They say I’m obsessed, but... - Sport and clumsiness – Am I super or not? – They call them manias – Little and big wrong things – Me and who else? – What is really important? - Asperger like who? Understand and accept a person with Asperger – Discovering the Asperger’s world- Intervention strategies – Brilliance and  art expression