Anna La Prova

A psychologist and cognitive-behavioural psychotherapist, she graduated with an experimental dissertation on the social effects of Cooperative Learning.  She gained experience in the field of company and school training and consultancy, collaborating with Rome TRE University on training projects on the cooperative organisation of work groups and with the  «Sapienza» University of Rome as a didactic tutor at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, on the Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology course. In addition to being a psychotherapist she now collaborates with Centro Studi Erickson as a trainer and author and is the founder of Centro Studi Forepsy in Roma, which offers teacher training and consultancy for parents on inclusion, Special Educational Needs and effective teaching and educational strategies.

Cooperative learning in practice

Anna La Prova

Cooperative learning is a teaching/learning method based on group activities and structured ...

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