Feeling good at school

Feeling good at school

Resilience programs for calm and aware teachers


The well-being of teachers and educators at school is often compromised by complex situations: a problematic child to manage in the classroom, the embarrassment of having to communicate a pupil’s difficulties to the family, the difficult communication with the class or with other colleagues, a draining relationship with the principal, or the desire to abandon teaching. Feeling good at school offers a resilience program, created with the stories and testimonies of teachers and educators who experience the school environment firsthand.

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The volume is proposed as a practical first aid manual for teachers: it is divided into 10 chapters, each of which presents a typical situation that is difficult to manage and offers some theoretical reflections and practical exercises to develop the skills necessary to face and solve (or accept) the situation. The tips presented allow you to improve the teacher’s resilience in the relationship with children, with other teachers, with principals, with parents; particular attention is given to the transformations that the school world is going through and the impact that Covid-19 has had on it.

Each chapter is organized in the following way:

Each topic covered is introduced by a drawing.

The theoretical reflections are connected to the stories presented

The volume comes complete with suggestions and working exercises to favour self-care and improve self-esteem and self-efficacy.

Leaf through some pages of volume which have been translated into English to facilitate your evaluation of the product.


Mariella Bombardieri is an educator, trainer, and family mediator. She deals with parenting support as well as training and supervising teachers, social workers and educators. She has trained abroad in emergency situations.

Carla Simoni is a psychologist and pedagogist in the areas of parenting support and ADHD. She has been involved in the design and management of personal services and is now a supervisor and trainer of a team of teachers and educators. She is a consultant at various Comprehensive Institutes for Difficulties and Behavioral Disorders. She works as a trainer abroad in developing countries and in emergency situations with the Resilience Onlus Association, collaborating with non-governmental organizations and ministerial bodies.